Jim Dunlevy Guide Service
Jim Dunlevy Guide Service

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Day Trips

Salmon, Steelhead or Bass Trips Available!

We offer Salmon, Steelhead, Bass and Crabbing Trips.

Salmon Fishing

Fish the Rogue's Spring Chinook Salmon, known as "Springers”. We fish from drift boats and back-bounce or run plugs on the upper Rogue River. Springers run from 10 to 30 pounds with 40 pound salmon occasionally caught.

Then fish the magnificent Fall Salmon run on lower Rogue River. We fish from jetboats in the Rogue River Estuary for ocean-fresh Salmon or in the Agness area of the river from drift boats and jetboats. These fish average 10 to 40 pounds with an occasional 50 to 60 pounder caught.

Winter salmon fishing on the Chetco, Elk and Sixes Rivers. These small coastal rivers hold big Salmon. Fish from drift boats on rivers that, at times, can compete with Alaskan rivers.

Steelhead Fishing


Winter Steelhead fishing on the Rogue, Chetco, Elk, Sixes, South Coquille and Umpqua Rivers. Pick from a large variety of rivers with lots of big Steelhead. Enjoy the thrill of catching a winter Steelhead on light spinning tackle. These fish are big and bright and will tear you up. There are no words to explain the thrill of these truly wonderful fish. Come and find out for yourself the thrill of winter steelhead.

Summer Steelhead fishing on the Rogue River in late summer and fall. Catch an abundance of Steelhead on spinning gear or fly rods. These fish are generally smaller than the winter run, but, with greater numbers, it offers a lot of excitement.

Smallmouth Bass


Float the mainstem Umpqua River in one of the most peaceful areas and catch Small Mouth Bass on light tackle. These fish are like little piranhas laying under rocks and cover near river banks waiting for something to strike. Pound for pound, Small Mouth Bass will fight more than any other warm water sport fish. These fish also offer great action on a fly rod. Small Mouth Bass can be caught in great numbers with catches in excess of 100 fish per day. They average 1/2 to 3 pounds with an occasional 4 or 5 pounder. Come an enjoy the peacefulness of the Umpqua River while hooking into Small Mouth Bass!

Crabbing in Charleston


One day or multi-day crabbing trips on the Coos Bay are an incredible experience.  You will need an Oregon Shellfish license and each person with a license can potentially take home up to 12 crab per day.  That is if you don't eat them all after they are freshly cooked!

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